A. You will be given a checklist by your sales associate or contractor of everything you need to do to have your space ready for template, if you do not receive one please call our office and ask for one.
A. We sure do! In fact we make it a point to provide care information to all of our customers.
A. The typical overhang on all exposed edges of countertops is 1". if you would like an additional overhang on a countertop, island, or raised bar, you must be present when the field measurements are taken by us. This information along with other specifications must be given to the measurer at the time of the measurement.
A. Yes, any stone that has an overhang of at least 6" on a countertop or raised bar needs to be supported by brackets. We will advise you of how many you will need and what size they need to be. These brackets must be on the job site at the time of the install.
A. We template to ensure precision work. A template job takes 2 to 3 hours on average.
A. If you plan to use an undermount sink, it must be delivered to our shop AT LEAST ONE WEEK prior to your installation date. The stone sink rim is cut, shaped, and polished at our shop. Any faucet holes that need to be drilled are done on the job site on the day of the installation. All faucets or fixtures must be at the job site when we install.
When using a drop-in sink, we require the sink to be on the job site the day that we install. Drop-in sink cutouts must be done once the stone is in place on the countertops.
A. All slide-in stoves, drop-in cooktops, and downdraft vents will need to be on the job site the day that we install so that the cutouts can be made and the appliances checked for proper fit.
A. When we receive a signed contract and a deposit, an installation date will be assigned. At that time, the stone will be reserved and/or ordered.
A. While every job is different, the average waiting period is 2-4 weeks. This time is necessary for acquiring material (if necessary), measuring, templating, fabrication and installation.